If you suffer from negative cash flow (i.e., your expenses exceed your income) or would like to save more than you are currently able, you should consider what your expenses are. Are your difficulties solvable through a part-time job? Renting a room in your house? Reducing dinning out? Skipping the daily $4 latte? Or perhaps cutting your cable package or land-line phone? Achieving a meaningful increase of income can be difficult, however in most cases people have expenses that can be trimmed. Make an honest assessment of your circumstances and seriously consider which expenses are essential and which are purely indulgence.
Choosing clear, concise and achievable solutions is crucial part of any serious financial planning. There are a multitude of potential options consumers face in overcoming financial difficulties. We specialize in aiding those coping with financial hardship through our proactive debt validation services. Our approach allows you to verify the validity of unsecured debts when dealing with third-party creditors making collection attempts. Panamerican Consulting’s Validation Program is the ideal solution for individuals concerned with achieving permanent financial stability. Be certain you give our program careful consideration when determining the correct solution for you and your family.
Panamerican Consulting can help you achieve your financial goals! Through our customized Validation Program, clients enjoy superior and proactive care and the security that comes from a performance based validation program. We earn your trust and confidence through successfully performing our validation services before you are EVER charged a penny!
Panamerican Consulting will help you achieve your financial goals! Using our proactive Validation Program, enrolled clients will enjoy superior care and security that comes with our performance based validation program. We earn your trust and confidence by successfully performing our validation services before you are charged a penny!
Annually, conservative estimates project $50 billion dollars of unsecured debts are charged-off and sold by original creditors. At least 60% of that $50 billion are credit card accounts which get sold to third-party collectors (See chart below). Traditionally, there were very few methods which consumers could find relief: debt settlement, debt consolidation, credit card counseling, debt management and bankruptcy. Through time earned knowledge of the intricacies of how debts are purchased and transferred from original creditors to third-party collectors, Panamerican Consulting has identified an opportunity to help consumers beyond the traditional approaches of relief.
One of the disadvantages of most debt relief programs is that consumers have to endure pestering calls from collection agencies and collection attorneys. Per the FDCPA, third-party collectors MUST STOP all collection efforts, communications and reporting to credit bureaus until they properly verify disputed accounts. Our resolution method puts an end to those harassing calls and provides considerable emotional relief to the consumer.
Consumers cherish the possibility of an unblemished credit report and most are concerned with further damaging their credit when considering current debt relief programs. Some traditional debt relief programs offer credit repair services as a complement for an additional charge in efforts to alleviate consumer concerns. Although Panamerican Consulting does not provide credit repair services, our thorough approach ensures that derogatory postings are minimized and often removed, with the exception of those postings from the original creditors.
The most unique attribute of Panamerican Consulting’s Validation Program is the statutory laws used as the basis on which the debts are resolved. Federal laws such as the FDCPA (1977) and the FCRA (1970) collectively outline consumer credit rights and protections. Consumers enrolled in our Validation Program benefit from Panamerican Consulting’s knowledge and expertise that have been refined and proven over the past seven years.