Panamerican Consulting is the country’s leading and most trusted debt validation firm. We are committed to helping individuals and their families break free from the crushing pressure of debt. Our primary method of resolution is called Debt Validation. Through the process of Debt Validation we have stopped thousands of collection attempts by third-party collection agencies.
We provide our clients with proven results, our expertise, a performance based fee system and, most importantly, the highest quality of client care. Nothing is more important to us, than for our clients to have the assurance and peace of mind that Panamerican Consulting is the advocate, working on their behalf.
Panamerican Consulting does not settle, consolidate or provide credit counseling. We do however help to make certain that the collection of your unsecured debts is valid and legally collectable by using the rules and regulations provided by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
When looking for assistance to help you through these challenging circumstances, you should have a firm that is best in their field and has complete and total integrity to put your interests first. That's who the Panamerican Consulting team is!